Friday, February 03, 2006


ok maybe not ........but then again maybe it is. its up to you to think about it. but this has been on my mind recently. and i know its been on some others as well. but i'm fed up with it. i'm tired and i need to voice it. because its just not right. people are so scared of religion and faith that they go to any lengths to shut someone who might merely mention God up. and its not fair. why should my voice be restricted because i mention God in a secular world?

this stems from a particular experience recently. i play in an rpg, on a secular board. and on that same board i have a Christian thread, well APPARENTLY i'm not allowed to mention God anywhere else than in that one thread. my character in the rpg brought God up, and said that it was painful to be apart. i didnt say whose god and its not the same god. but oh no.....i got jumped on because of it. told to 'tone it down' 'cut it out' and yet, pagan gods, ceremonies, angels and demons are mentioned in the very same rpg without a single word! and yet i have to keep quiet and it out of the character development? why?! because i'm openly Christian?! yeah that makes sense. you believe something so therefore you have to shut it up. because i read something into it and felt 'uncomfortable'. how is that even right?! i was told that that stuff should be kept on sundays and sundays alone. or in the Christian topic alone. ones heard of freedom of speech? or is it only free when it doesnt involve God? because that seems to be the case.

why must we be relegated to the back? why do we have to keep our mouths shut about what we believe because someone might be offended? well they offend me! but i cant dare say that. oh no. then i'd be labeled extreme, or backwoods. or stubborn. well i'm sorry if i believe what i do and want people to see that i do. i'm sorry if they felt maddened because i happen to mention God and be a Christian all at the same time........oh i'm not. its my faith its my right its MY voice. i dont hamper them, i dont tell them to keep whatever they believe on a shelf. i dont restrict them. and yet i'm supposed to sit back and take it? because if i speak up, if i speak outside the box assigned to me, i'm an outcast. i'm pushing my faith on someone. i'm badgering them. would they have said anything if i wasnt an open Christian? the cold answer they wouldnt. they never said anything to anyone else about a representation of faith in the game. they admitted to not even having thought about it. but the moment i say something. bam. tone it down. cut it out.

i'm not mad i understand the thinking behind it. but what i am is fed up. fed up with the double standard, tired of being oppressed because it 'might' rub the wrong way. other people dont care if their beliefs offend me. and yet, i sit quietly by, and object only slightly. no. its wrong. its just wrong. i have to keep my thoughts and views in check while the rest of the world runs rampant. if my faith tells me to speak I WILL SPEAK. if my faith tells me to be proud of it I WILL BE PROUD. if i'm told to let my light shine IT WILL SHINE. no i wont force my faith on someone. i never have. never forced them to believe or even listen. and yet thats what i get accused of. never forced them to read into it what they did. it was their choice. and i have to pay the price. tell that right? no.

why must Christians be force into silence? why do we allow it? why hide what we are?

i'm tired, i'm frustrated and i'm not happy with myself for allowing them to walk over me. and quiet my voice


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